Takeshi IKEDA

Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan

Contact: ikeda (at) ic.daito.ac.jp

Research Area

Industrial Organization (Theory)

International Economics (Trade Theory)


Ph. D. in Economics, Osaka City University, March 2006

M. A. in Economics, Osaka City University, March 2002

B. A. in Social Sciences, Mie University, March 2000

Academic Positions

Professor at Daito Bunka University, April 2017 - Present

Associate Professor at Daito Bunka University, April 2012 - March 2017

Junior Associate Professor at Daito Bunka University, April 2010 - March 2012

Junior Associate Professor at Kobe International University, April 2006 - March 2010

Other Academic Positions

Visiting Scholar at Western Washington University

Part-Time Lecrurer at Sensyu University

Part-Time Lecturer at Aoyama Gakuin University

Part-Time Lecturer at Kobe International University

Part-Time Lecturer at Kobe Gakuin University

Part-Time Lecturer at Osaka University of Economics

Part-Time Lecturer at Nara Prefectureal University

Received Prizes

Japan Association for Applied Economics, JAAE Best Paper Award 2019, November, 2020


Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Grant # 21730211, Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports, Science and Technology, April 2009-March 2011

Books in English

Recent Advances in the Theory of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: A Nexus to NetworkEffects, Innovation, and Behavioral Aspects, (with Takanori Adachi, Ryo Hashizume,Tatsuhiko Nariu, Tomohisa Okada) Springer Nature, 2023.

Refereed Papers in English

"Intellectual property rights policy against imitations of product innovations under vertical  product  differentiation,"Journal of  Industrial and Business Economics, vol. 50, Issue 4,2023.

"Optimal intellectual property rights policy by an importing country," (with T. Tanno and Y.Yasaki)  Economics Letters, vol. 209, 2021.

"Price discrimination with network effects: different welfare results from identical demandfunctions," (with R. Hashizume and T.Nariu)  Economics Bulletin, vol. 41, no. 3, 2021.

"How should we protect innovations?" (with T. Tanno and Y. Yasaki)Studies in Applied  Economics, vol. 13, 2020. (Honored as "JAAE Best Paper Award 2019" by JapanAssociation for Applied  Economics)

"Should we enhance or restrict technological diffusion from major to minor firms?" (with H.Nakamura)  Theoretical Economics Letters, vol.8, No. 11, 2018.

"Directsale or indirect sale? Effects of shareholding," (with M. Okamura and T. Nariu)  Manchester  School, vol. 79, No. 3, 2011.

"Third-degree price discrimination, quality choice, and welfare," (with T. Toshimitsu)  Economics Letters,  vol. 106, No. 1, 2010.

"Third-degree price discrimination in the presence of asymmetric consumption externalities," (with T.  Nariu)  Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol. 9, No.3, 2009.

"Does a tariff really enhance welfare?"Japan and the World Economy,vol. 19, Issue2, 2007.(the opening article)

"Stability of the Cournot solution and free entry: a note,"Australian Economic Papers, vol.45, Issue 4, 2006.

"Exclusive territories in the presence of upstream competition," (with D. Nikae)Economics  Bulletin,vol. 4, No. 26, 2006.

"The world welfare enhancing tariff,"Osaka City University Economic Review, vol. 40, 2005.

Non-Refereed Papers in English

"Pareto improving third-degree price discrimination with network effects," (with R.Hashizume and T. Nariu)Daito Bunka University Discussion Paper, No.21-1, 2021.

"The more firms, the more insufficient entry,"Daito Bunka University Discussion Paper, No.16-2, 2016.

"Vertical separation between competing manufacturers and their retailers," (with T. Nariuand M. Okamura)  Kyoto Economic Review,Vol. 83, No. 1-2, 2014.

"Welfare effects of import tariff and export subsidy games,"Keizaigaku Zasshi,Vol. 108,2007.

"The world welfare enhancing tariff in a Cournot duopoly,"Osaka Shidai Ronsyu, Vol. 109,2004.

Professional Services

Referee for: Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics; Asia-Pacific Journal of  Regional  Science; Australian Economic Papers; Economics Bulletin; Indonesian Journal ofElectrical Engineering and Computer Science; Japan and the World  Economy; Japanese  Economic Review; Journal of Evolutionary Economics; Journal of Industry, Competition andTrade; Keizaigakuzasshi; Manchester School; Metroeconomica; Ryutsukenkyu